How you can support families this September

Birthday Photo 2 CroppedSeptember is Infant Mortality Awareness Month, and we want to challenge you to make Cincy a better, healthier place for families. Below are some simple (and easy) ideas to show moms, dads and babies we care. You can see what we're doing here.Write a Letter of Love. Women in our most vulnerable neighborhoods tell us that pregnancy too often feels like a time of constant judgment. Imagine instead, if it felt like a time of unconditional support from their entire city. You’re invited to write a letter of encouragement to a currently pregnant woman in our city. We’ll collect the letters and hand-deliver them to women during their prenatal doctor appointments. To learn more, visit here.Make a care package. Simple household items - like toilet paper, body wash and cleaning supplies - cannot be purchased with SNAP (food stamp) dollars. And, as anyone would tell you, these are absolute necessities. You can support a local family by gifting a care package of these and other items. For more information, contact us at there. Ask a mom how she's doing. New moms - and any mom for that matter - deserve recognition and support. And for some women, that may be as simple as someone who will listen. Being there shows that you care and may help her feel loved and empowered.Don't forget dad. Research suggests that increased father involvement during pregnancy significantly improves infant health. Whether it's at the doctor's office or in the home, let's make sure that dads feel included and involved in their baby's life - from pregnancy to baby's first birthday and beyond.*And please consider donating to the National Diaper Bank Network, which is coordinating emergency diaper relief efforts in Texas. 


Celebrating our 2017 "Champions for Change" award winners


September is Infant Mortality Awareness Month