Help Us Celebrate Community Members Making Change During COVID-19

Over the past several years, Cradle Cincinnati has seen Hamilton County unite around a common goal: to reduce infant mortality. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this work more challenging, but our community is rising to that challenge. 

This September, we want to recognize those who went the extra mile for moms and babies during the past few months. Help us do so by submitting a nomination for our 2020 Champions for Change awards. From pastors to nurses, teachers to social workers, hairdressers to doctors, we are all making a difference.

Here are some examples of what we’ve seen Champions do:

  • Connect families with needed resources, such as masks -- cleaning supplies, cribs, food and formula -- when such resources are scarce
  • Adapt how they serve families during social distancing and quarantining, like engaging in virtual home visits or prenatal care appointments
  • Create outlets for women to connect and de-stress virtually
  • Equip families with the information they need to stay safe and healthy
  • Celebrate soon-to-be moms and dads with safe events, like hosting drive-thru baby showers

Nominations are open through August 21. Winners will be announced in September. You can nominate your favorite champion here.


Community Trailblazer Spotlight: Kendal Lindsey


Community Trailblazer Spotlight: Tamieka Gray