How to Keep Your Baby Safe While Sleeping This Holiday Season
Cradle Cincinnati is encouraging families to practice safe sleep this holiday season. Unique holiday sleeping arrangements – like staying at a grandparent’s home – and colder temperatures can increase a baby’s risk of sleep-related death. Babies sleep safest Alone, on their Back, and in a Crib.
You can take the following steps to keep your baby safe and warm this holiday season:
Your baby should have his or her own sleep space. Bring a safety-approved portable crib, Pack n Play, or bassinet with you on your travels. Babies should never sleep with other people.
Place your baby on his or her back for every sleep. The risk of sleep-related death increases when infants are placed in new sleep positions (i.e. stomach or back). Infant sleep guidelines have changed in the last 20 years; it is important to share ‘back to sleep’ messaging with older generations.
Don’t overheat your baby. Dress your baby in a wearable sleeper or one-piece pajama instead of using a blanket. Wearable sleepers can be layered over an undershirt or onesie.
Keep your baby’s room at a comfortable temperature, usually between 68° and 72°F. What's comfortable for you is most likely comfortable for your baby too.
Don’t smoke around your baby. Exposure to secondhand smoke increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Qualifying families can receive a free Pack n Play through the Cincinnati Health Department by calling 211.
Learn more about safe sleep and how you can keep your baby safe during naptime and nighttime here.