Breastfeeding and Improving Safe Sleep Outcomes: A National Initiative

The challenge is real. How do you collaborate with newfamilies to provide realistic strategies to feed their new baby, get enoughrest, and practice safe sleep?

As professionals, we know ways to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) such as having baby sleep on a separate space in close proximity, using a flat surface such as a crib or bassinette and positioning baby on their back to sleep. But how do you overcome common beliefs that aspects of safe sleep and breastfeeding is not good for babies?

It requires a conversational approach which includes listening to concerns so families can get information that may help them overcome fears and create the safest environment for their baby.

Here are some discussion points about safe sleep and breastfeeding taken from the National Action Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep (NAPPSS) Initiative and the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.

Can a baby choke when they are sleep on their back?

There is a common concern that babies may choke if they spit up and are placed on their back.

Is bed sharing necessary for bonding with baby?

Parents can bond with their baby in ways that don’t involve bed-sharing.

  • Have your baby sleep in your room, right next to you in a separate space on a firm surface where you can reach out and touch the baby. It is reported to reduce the risk of SIDS by as much as 50%. You can easily respond to your baby for feeding when they are close.
  • Have supervised skin to skin contact after your baby is born and talk to your baby right away. This releases oxytocin which is the love hormone and makes you feel connected and satisfied. Continue skin to skin contact safely at home.
  • Feed your baby using close physical contact, eye contact and talking to your baby. If dads or other caregivers are bottle-feeding, be face-to-face with the baby while talking and interacting.

Is formula healthier than breastmilk?

  • Breastfeeding is protective. Breast milk has antibodies which are living cells specific to the family’s environment so they protect baby from the germs around them. These antibodies are not present in formula.
  • Breast milk provides babies with all the vitamins and other nutrients they need.

The Christ Hospital Health Network in Cincinnati, Ohio is a Gold Level Safe Sleep Champion, and is committed to the promotion of breastfeeding and the improvement of safe sleep outcomes. Our facility is one of 15 teams chosen to participate in Cohort B in the National Action Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep (NAPPSS). We have chosen to partner with local Obstetricians, Pediatric Physicians and Cradle Cincinnati in a unique opportunity to reduce SIDS and improve safe sleep outcomes in our community. 

Beth VonLuehrte BSN, RN, IBCLC is a Perinatal Educator at The Christ Hospital Health Network.

*Graphics: Red Nose


Dispelling Breastfeeding Myths by Brandi Rahim


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