September is Infant Mortality Awareness Month

This September, our community is doubling down on efforts to improve maternal and infant health. From neighborhood barbecues to social media campaigns, there's a lot going on.What will you do? Tell us how you’re celebrating moms, babies and families this month by emailing us at community in North Fairmount. In partnership with Imprint Strategies, Cradle Cincinnati is hosting a Community Kickback on September 22 from 12pm - 3pm in North Fairmount. Designed to celebrate neighbors and uplift community, this event is open to the public and will include free food and drinks, live music, games, activities and a raffle for Bengals and Reds tickets.Vibe A Cue 8.18 1 ResizedCommunity baby shower in Forest Park. On September 22, the Ohio Equity Institute will host a community baby shower for families living in zip codes 45225 and 45240. This event is open to moms-to-be and families with children under the age of 1. RSVP by calling (513) 946-7824.2018 Champions for Change. On September 26, we'll recognize our 2018 Champions for Change – individuals in the community who are dedicated to reducing infant mortality. Past champions include local clergy, community health workers and neighborhood activists.New messaging and resources for families. Billboards throughout Hamilton County will feature safe sleep and room-sharing messaging. In addition, several partner organizations will lead social media campaigns to promote healthy pregnancies and healthy families.Cradle Cincinnati Safe Sleep Billboard Resized WebsiteA closer look at our strategic plan. Through a series of blog posts, we'll dive into our recently-released strategic plan to discuss the newer aspects of our work, such as addressing implicit bias in prenatal care settings and reducing unexpected pregnancies. Follow along at the date. The Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality (OCPIM) will host its biennial statewide Infant Mortality Summit in Cincinnati on December 11 and 12. Community members and professionals are invited to attend as we come together to improve the health of moms and babies. More information coming soon.Register now. Breastfeeding positively impacts Mom's health and Baby's health, yet inequities in breastfeeding exist. As a preconference to the Infant Mortality Summit, a statewide breastfeeding conference, will be held at Duke Energy Center on December 11. Interactive workshops and presentations will teach learners actions tools that can be taken back to their community. More information and registration can be found here.


Social media messages to share this Infant Mortality Awareness Month


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