Cradle Cincinnati's New 5-Year Strategic Priorities

Today, marks a special day for Cradle Cincinnati: we release our second 5-year strategic plan. Since the release of our first plan in 2013, Hamilton County’s infant deaths have dropped 15%, resulting in the county’s lowest infant mortality rate ever. This is due to the efforts of hundreds of partners – hospitals, health departments, social service agencies, prenatal care providers, families and more.But, we still have a lot of work ahead of us. Improvement is showing signs of leveling out, and the problem of infant death continues to plague our community. This is why more than 450 Hamilton County residents participated in our strategic planning process.We will continue to focus our efforts on the three leading causes of infant mortality: preterm birth, birth defects and sleep-related deaths. In addition to addressing previous priorities like pregnancy spacing, maternal smoking and infant sleep, this plan adds new emphasis to more complex factors influencing our county’s high rate of infant death. New priorities include addressing racial bias, mitigating stress during pregnancy and increasing the number of pregnancies that are expected. Teams will also be formed to develop a research agenda and to advocate for policy changes that can improve infant health.It is our hope that we can continue our progress over the past five years while taking new ground for babies in our community.Cradle Cincinnati 2018-2023 Strategic Plan Executive SummaryCradle Cincinnati 2018-2023 Strategic PlanLearn about our 12-month planning process here.SSR Photo 1


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The neighborhood of Avondale develops a promising model to save lives as Hamilton County infant mortality improvement levels out