A Queen's Love is Stronger than Smoke
We’re happy to announce that we’ll be putting our “Forever a Queen, Always Smoke Free” campaign back on the market. Starting today, this important message will be on billboards and in grocery stores throughout Hamilton County for all of August.Last year’s campaign was exciting with a threefold increase in calls from pregnant women in the region to the 1-800-QUIT-NOW line. However, the true accomplishment lies with every mom in Hamilton County who decided she was strong enough to stop smoking.We wouldn’t have been able to run this campaign without the help of our communications partner, Deskey. Their hard work on the Queen City smoking cessation campaign was recognized as the winner of the 2016 Cincinnati Marketing Pinnacle Award for Non Profit work from the American Marketing Association.How can you help? Refer a mom you know to the Quit Line at 1-800-QUIT-NOW, a proven resource to help smokers quit. For additional questions or information, contact Cradle Cincinnati at (513) 803-4822.