Forever a Queen, Always Smoke Free
We are excited to announce a new enhanced effort to support pregnant women who are trying to quit smoking. Studies show that smoking more than doubles the risk of preterm birth. Each year, more than 1,100 women in Hamilton County (10.2% in 2014) continue to smoke during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of their pregnancies.We’re working with diverse partners on four evidence-based strategies:
- Promoting 1-800-QUIT-NOW. Any pregnant mom can call to get resources that will help her quit. Next week, in partnership with CVS Health, billboards go up with a message of support for moms.
- Motivational interviewing during prenatal care. We’re working with local prenatal clinics to widely spread an evidence-based technique called the 5 A’s. When clinical staff successfully implement Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist and Arrange steps with patients, it is proven that more moms quit smoking.
- Hiring a Maternal Smoking Cessation Health Educator. Housed at Hamilton County Public Health, Cincinnati now has a full time champion dedicated to maternal smoking cessation.
- Developing new support groups. Community social support groups help empower women by coming together in a supportive atmosphere to discuss their pregnancies while also providing resources and fostering skill development to cope with tobacco cessation.
Smoking in pregnancy also creates an enormous financial burden for our community. A woman smoking one pack per day in Ohio spends $1587 on cigarettes during her pregnancy. And because of its connection to preterm birth, we spend $2.6 million each year in Hamilton County on medical costs for preterm babies whose early birth was related to cigarette smoking.How can you help? Refer a mom you know to the Quit Line at 1-800-QUIT-NOW. For additional questions or information, contact Cradle Cincinnati at (513) 803-4822.