2014 “Champions for Change” Awards: Call for Nominations

In recognition of Infant Mortality Awareness Month, we’re announcing our first-ever Cradle Cincinnati “Champions for Change” awards. Help us celebrate those fighting for our moms and babies by submitting a nomination for your favorite champion. From pastors to nurses, teachers to social workers, hairdressers to doctors: we can all make a difference.Nominations are open for the following categories:Safe Sleep Champion: An individual working to promote safe sleep for babies in Hamilton County. Remember: Alone, on their Back, and in a Crib.Champion for Better Care: A nurse, midwife, medical assistant, or other provider who cares for women during their pregnancies.Social Support Champion: A community health worker, home visitor, or social worker who walks side-by-side with moms through pregnancy.Champion for Community Change: A business owner, neighborhood leader, of mom fighting for strong neighborhoods in order to create a better environment for families and babies.Champion for Knowledge: An epidemiologist, researcher, or student working to better understand the complexities of infant mortality and preterm birth.Submit your nomination here.Nominations are due by September 30, 2014. Winners will be announced later this fall.


Read our recent editorial in the Cincinnati Enquirer


Our bow diva, Ellie Brown by Andrea and Pete Brown